information technology 

Move at the speed of change

Bring your tech savvy and strategic thinking to help drive the largest division of Blue Cross. We seek innovators and technologists who can draw on their operations, analytical, and technology skills to develop capabilities that reinforce our market leadership and commitment to excellent service.

Be Part of a Team Solving
​​​​​​​Real-World Problems

Our IT associates take pride in the work they’re doing, to better serve not only our 2.8 million members but our Massachusetts community as a whole. The most satisfying aspect of our IT people’s work is that “the work we do is extremely important to many of the people you may walk by every day.”

The stories that matter

Stefani Germanotta
Information Security
Solution Architect

Your IT aptitude.
Your quiet focus.
Your NCAA passion.
Business Information

Your voice.
Your influence.
Your culture.
Yael Steinman
Data Engineer,
Prior Intern

Your energy.
Your problem-solving skills.
Your innovative ideas.

Join Our Talent Community

We'll notify you about relevant positions, and keep you in mind whenever we have interesting opportunities. Come and get them.